Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Anime Iowa 2014!

Hey everyone!

I'm back! (Did you miss me?)

Today I'm finally going to make a post that I've wanted to make since the beginning of August. (Time flies when you have a job, I swear. Wow.) And that blog post would be: Anime Iowa! It's a super fun convention in the state of Iowa that of course is centered around anime, but it also (thankfully) has its fair share of other geeky things, like Doctor Who, video games, plus lots of cute fantasy items.

Anyway, this year was as fun as the last, and I took over 600 photos! (Don't worry, I'll only spam you with a few of my favorites!)

So, let's get started!

Me! I went as Mey-Rin from Black Butler, and since I didn't want to do the same thing as before, I decided to alter her costume to make it into the way she appears when she uses her guns. (Which I made very quickly out of cardboard shortly before Anime Iowa, haha. They're not very pretty to look at, but it's my first time making a prop, and I'm proud of them darn it!

And these three were fantastic. From left to right, 11th Doctor, 10th doctor, and River Song!  The 11th Doctor was so in character it was great fun to watch him at the photoshoot!

And the 9th doctor, and the 10th together. With their psychic paper, of course!

I really can't even imagine how many hours must have been put into this. Seriously, a fantastic job!

Deadpool + Loki? Oh yes.

There was even a Rumpelstiltskin from Once Upon a Time at Anime Iowa this year. Which was basically the best thing ever. Even talked like him. It was hard to suppress my inner fangirl at this point.

And then me and the boyfriend got all dressed up for the rave. Which, neither of us are exactly big fans of raves, but any excuse for me to dress up in a crazy amount of glow sticks, and I'm all for it!
(Honestly, I think my rave outfit was my favorite I wore at AI this year..)

And then this is the absolutely gorgeous outfit I bought at Anime Iowa this year. I got everything except the corset from a fantastic shop called Back to Earth Creations and I got the corset from Scoundrelle's Keep. I'm absolutely in love with all of it.

And so this was everything I bought this year during my Anime Iowa trip. The book Dragon Age: Asunder was actually bought at Barnes & Noble before I went to AI though, but I included it since it was in the same trip! The outfit I got is on the left, then some dice pendants, elf ears, a sonic screwdriver, dragon eye necklace, blunderbuss, a cute miniature replica of sting from the Tolkien books, Arwen's necklace, and the mockingjay pendant.

Yes, I go to anime conventions and get absolutely nothing anime-related what so ever. It happens..

And now, because I'm a loser that likes to pretend I'm a good photographer, I took pictures of the sky for each of the days I was down at Anime Iowa. Behold:

 (double rainbow!)

So, that was my trip to Anime Iowa. It was a nice relaxing (and somehow still very hectic) trip. And i can't wait to do it next year. :)

Thanks for reading!

Have you been to a convention?

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